In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are offering TeleHealth visits to provide remote care to those who need it most.
Monthly Archives: March 2020
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In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, we are offering TeleHealth visits to provide remote care to those who need it most.

House Calls are Getting Back to Basics This news clip provides a good snapshot of how medical house calls are getting back to basics. These are the types of services that Resurgia offers in Georgia. Some call it retro medicine, we call it getting back to basics. A Better Way to Get Better.

Fire up your DeLorean. Health care is headed back to the future. House calls are a sign that we will all see our health care going back to the “old days” when, the doctor came to our homes, giving us real personalized medicine — and saving money at the same time. Click here to read the NY Times post on Medical House Calls

While everyone is looking to cut billions form out national health care bill, many, include the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) believe billions may be saved simply by improving hospital discharges so that patients do not return. To put this idea to the test, CMS has implemented measures to pay hospitals with high 30 day readmission rates less. Click here to see the 2,000+ hospitals that were penalized last year.

Medical house calls offer physicians and patients and opportunity to interact in a different, more intimate ways that are not possible in the physician office setting. At Resurgia we believe the house call physician is able to provide richly personalized and customized care based on deep patient relationships, and observation of patients in their natural setting. Read more to see why House Calls Are Making A Comeback

Visiting Doctors A long time ago, instead of you going to see the doctor, the doctor would come to see you. Instead of sitting in a waiting room with cheesy music, old magazines, and long waits, you stayed in your own bed, and the doctor rang your doorbell. In our modern era of rushed doctor’s visits, it can be hard to believe that there was ever another way…we believe it was a better way. Read more to see how Resurgia is helping to make Visiting Doctors the Medical Innovation of Tomorrow.

Reducing Re-admissions. Hospitalizations account for nearly one-third of the total $2 trillion spent on health care in the United States. In the majority of cases, hospitalization is necessary and appropriate. However, a substantial fraction of all hospitalizations are patients returning to the hospital soon after their previous stay. These re-hospitalizations are costly, potentially harmful, and often avoidable. Click the link to see how Resurgia is addressing the best opportunities to improve transition care and play a big part in reducing re-admissions.

Innovation in Home Health. Home health providers are often portrayed as being resistant or slow to change. Is this really the case? Click Here to Read an interesting perspective on how Home Health agencies are continuing to innovate.

“Could you explain a bit about this ‘Face-something’ and having to be a ‘friend,’” one senior citizen asks. A humorous and heartwarming documentary feature, “Cyber-Seniors” chronicles the extraordinary journey of a group of senior citizens as they discover the world of the internet. Resurgia Health Solutions offers house calls that helps keep seniors surfing ‘Face-something’ at home. This video of seniors using the internet for the first time will make your day

The National Council on Aging has helped 4,352,834 people find over $15.4 billion worth of benefits. These benefits include seniors getting medical care at home through house call programs. Click here to check your benefits.

The Best and Worst Foods for a Diabetic Diet… Read an interesting article that highlights some nutrition choices for those with diabetes. House call doctors get a chance to peek into the refrigerator and see what your real diet looks like…and craft effective care plans accordingly. At least the Resurgia House Call Clinicians do. Read the Article Here.

It’s no secret that the majority of older adults want to live out their lives in their own homes. Some have even made their children promise to not put them in a nursing home. Aging in place with Alzheimer’s can pose special challenges that this article can help you address. explore to learn how House call medicine can help. Click Here to read more on this topic.

Aging in Place is the wave of the future. House Calls enables Aging in Place by providing medical care in patient’s own homes. Whether seniors are in private residences or senior villages getting medical care at home has multiple benefits: High quality the care that seniors need – each house call is typically 45-60 minutes Keeps seniors in comfortable settings Provides a central coordination point for other health related services Helps keep patients out of the Emergency Room Relieves stress on care givers who no longer have to find care and provide transportation Reduces costs of healthcare and long-term care costs Increase sense of independence Medical care at home through Resurgia’s House Call Program can be a critical part of the equation. Call us at 1-84House-Doc to start a conversation and see if Resurgia’s House Call medicine is right for you. This PBS News Hour video is a bit long, but provides some very interesting perspectives on Aging in Place as a movement that is gaining traction across the country. The video is captions as follows: “The average American over the age of 65 will need roughly three years of long-term care, on average, according to government estimates. To get […]

Heart Health World Heart Day is September 29, 2015. Heart health can be a driver to long life and graceful aging. Are you doing enough to take care of your heart? Watch this video from the American Heart Association for some sobering facts about heart health and its implications to our long term health.

World Heart Day 2015 Today is World Heart Day. Heart health can be a driver to long life and graceful aging. Are you doing enough to take care of your heart? Watch this video from the American Heart Association for some sobering facts about heart health and its implications to our long term health. Are you aware of just how incredibly easy it is to exceed your recommended daily sodium intake? #AHealthierNation— AMA (@AmerMedicalAssn) September 25, 2015

Aging Artfully The Question is Simple. How do we give more people a better later life? The answer. By giving them better ways to get better…and stay better. Art is providing an accessible outlet through which seniors can reconnect with their vitality, their self-expression, and their joys. Aging Artfully provides revitalizing experiences which when coupled with quality medical care, can lead to remarkable outcomes. Let Resurgia House Calls in Atlanta be your health care partner as you explore the art of aging artfully. Doctors at Your Service.

The Age of Love. It’s never too late to date. A film by Steven Loring. Join the Atlanta Chapter of the National Aging in Place Council and Cobb Senior Services for a special screening of The Age of Love. When: November 4, 2015 at 1:30 PM Where: Senior Wellness Center. 1150 Powder Springs St., Marietta GA How: RSVP by calling (770) 528-5356 or emailing “A touching and funny look into the lives of seniors who just want to find love.” The Huffington Post Check out the trailer below and visit the website or Cobb Senior Services. It’s never too late to date!

House Call Doctors Can Help You Lead A Healthier Life. What Can you Do in 40- Seconds? In 40-seconds you can call Resurgia’s House Call Doctors to begin a regimen of in-home medical care that can help you take preventative steps for heart disease and strokes. Together with regular exercise and a well-balanced diet, accessible medical care can help you live a healthier life. Make the call. 40 seconds is all it takes. Call Resurgia Health Solutions to see how our house call doctors can work with you to secure a longer, healthier life. Call us now at 1-84House-Doc to start a conversation. One voice is powerful. Thousands are even stronger. You’re the Cure – the American Heart Association/American Stroke Association’s grassroots network – has been doing just that. It’s a community of fathers and mothers, neighbors and friends, researchers and caregivers, passionate about an America that’s free of heart disease and stroke. Each day, they work together to advocate for heart-healthy and stroke-smart communities through legislative policies in our cities, states and across the country, and they hope you will join them. Visit You’reTheCure.Org to learn more. House Call Doctors are Back in Atlanta Georgia… Atlanta based, Resurgia Health Solutions […]

Access Mobile Doctors on Mobile Devices Now accessing mobile doctors that will provide medical care to you and your loved ones at home, has never been easier. Simply visit or call us at 1-84House Doc to schedule an appointment. The modern house call is a technological twist on an old favorite. In the old days, the doctor with his trusty leather doctor’s bag would make rounds to see some of his sickest patients at home. Today, Resurgia Mobile Doctors perform similar visits in Different ways. The Resurgia house call bag is packed with electronic medical tools and access to your medical records and history through cloud based Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) Resurgia’s mobile doctors use their cars as their primary office. Everything they need comes with them, or follows after them. This includes, labs, electronic prescriptions, X-Rays and Ultrasounds, and EKGs…you name it, they can provide it These modern mobile doctors treat really sick patients, with multiple chronic and acute conditions, patients that have recently been discharged from hospital for treatment of chronic and acute conditions, or patients that recently completed a surgical procedure. In addition, Resurgia’s mobile doctors also stop by to see patients who are just not […]

Resurgia is the fastest growing House Call Doctor in Georgia. As we continue to expand our patient population, we are always looking to hire qualified medical professionals to join our team and uphold our best-in-class standards. Get back to practicing Medicine the way it was meant to be. As we speak to medical practitioners we hear the same thing over and over again…they want to get back to a hands on model of practicing medicine. Resurgia provides an opportunity for clinicians and staff to do just that. Our flexible model means that you can define your own schedule and spend quality time caring for patients in the comfort of their own homes. Join the #1 House Call Doctor in Georgia. Join our team to help treat our patients with medical care they deserve. Join our team to practice medicine the way it was meant to be. Join our team to give yourself the flexibility you need. If you are looking to get back to practicing real medicine, Resurgia may be right for you. Fill out the contact form below, or send your resume to Let’s start a conversation.

Doctors Making House Calls Enjoy A Unique Vantage Point. Doctors making house calls have unique experiences. We recently started treating a husband and wife senior team. Their love has withstood the test of time, and being able to bring them medical care at home, has provided them with a unique service that allows them to worry less, and love more. When I saw the video below (even though it is a commercial) we felt it captured the essence of their timeless love, and we feel honored to have a vantage point that allows us to observe, admire and support. If only we could all be so lucky. No I am not crying. Something is in my eye.

Visiting Physicians in Georgia. Nice. Resurgia’s Visiting Physicians can provide complete medical care at home. For patients that have difficulty leaving home, Resurgia’s House Call Medical Practice offers a unique service that brings the primary care doctor to your door. You can get the care you need while still in your PJs. The modern house call is a technological twist on an old favorite. In the old days, the doctor with his trusty leather doctor’s bag would make rounds to see some of his sickest patients at home. Today, Resurgia Mobile Doctors perform similar visits in Different ways. The Resurgia house call bag is packed with electronic medical tools and access to your medical records and history through cloud based Electronic Medical Records (EMRs) Resurgia’s mobile doctors use their cars as their primary office. Everything they need comes with them, or follows after them. This includes, labs, electronic prescriptions, X-Rays and Ultrasounds, and EKGs…you name it, they can provide it These modern mobile doctors treat really sick patients, with multiple chronic and acute conditions, patients that have recently been discharged from hospital for treatment of chronic and acute conditions, or patients that recently completed a surgical procedure. In addition, Resurgia’s […]

Food on the Go – Powering Mobile Medicine Napoleon and Frederick the Great are both attributed with saying, “An army marches on its stomach.” Resurgia’s House Call providers are akin to an army, traversing 2,600 square miles each day in the fight to deliver quality healthcare and improve the quality of life for our patients. As we hit the road each day, one of the essential questions providers must answer is, “Where should I eat today?”. The further we stretch from our homes, the more a game of luck and chance this becomes. Each day we roll the dice with lunch. How do you power mobile medicine? We are typically looking for food that is fresh, healthy, quickly served in accessible locations. Our diverse backgrounds span a wide range of tastes. Although some of our staples include Chick-Fil-A, Wendy’s, Chipotle, Panera Bread, Jason’s Deli and Waffle House, balancing convenience with healthy choices is a constant challenge. Here are a few of our staff picks (in no particular order): Beef Grill Brazilian Steakhouse. Sandy Springs. Try the Tender Loin and Cashew juice. Las Brasas Peruvian Roaster. Try the Lomo Saltado. Arepa Mia. Decatur and Sweet Auburn Market. Try […]

Who will care for me? Who will care for me is a common worry of many elders. As seniors age, they can often worry about who will provide the care they need. They worry about how they will complete the simple everyday activities. About what will happen if an emergency arises and how they will get help for the daily aches and pains. At Resurgia Health Solutions, we are committed to providing in-home medical care, so that our seniors have one less thing to worry about. We will care for you.

2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year. Continuing our commitment to providing more complete care to our patients at home, Resurgia Health Solutions now provides the following services: STARTING MARCH 2019 – PODIATRY. Podiatry and Foot Care. We will begin offering in home Podiatry to our patients starting March 2019. This service will work in close collaboration with our wound and diabetes focus areas. Enhanced Wound Management. We now offer wound management working even more closely with Home Health Services to help ensure that patients with wounds (pressure ulcers) are getting focused care in-home. Diabetes Management. We now provide focused diabetic care and education in-home. This service has already experienced a great deal of success in helping control diabetes in our patient population. Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. We are currently offering in home psychiatric care that includes medication management and therapy. This service is working in close collaboration with all other services to address mental health needs that often coexist with chronic medical conditions. Drop us a line…To learn more, please drop us a line at or call us at (404) 445-5304, X-3. You may also fax referrals to us at (404) 445-5173. Here is the link to New Patient Referral Form

2019 is shaping up to be an exciting year. Continuing our commitment to providing more complete care to our patients at home, to as many patients as possible, we have expanded our service area to include Athens GA…That’s right, Resurgia Health Solutions is now in Bulldog country. OUR SERVICES. Podiatry and Foot Care. We now offer in-home Podiatry. This service will work in close collaboration with our wound and diabetes focus areas and address medical concerns below the knee. Enhanced Wound Management. We now offer wound management working even more closely with Home Health Services to help ensure that patients with wounds (pressure ulcers) are getting focused care in-home. Diabetes Management. We now provide focused diabetic care and education in-home. This service has already experienced a great deal of success in helping control diabetes in our patient population. Psychiatry and Behavioral Health. We are currently offering in home psychiatric care that includes medication management and therapy. This service is working in close collaboration with all other services to address mental health needs that often coexist with chronic medical conditions. Drop us a line…To learn more, please drop us a line at or call us at (404) 445-5304, X-3. You may also fax referrals to us at (404) […]

Happy Thanksgiving Thanksgiving gives us all the opportunity to stop being busy, and revitalize the human connections that matter most to us while sharing a wonderful meal. As you sit down to your Thanksgiving meal today, however grand or humble, we wish you take a moment to reflect on the people you are grateful to have as part of your life. And let them know it. And enjoy the food too! Happy Thanksgiving.

That’s right folks…we are spreading our wings to Macon / Warner Robbins and surrounding areas. We will be providing our core Internal Medicine and Podiatry services to the patients in this area. Call us at (404) 445-5304, X-3 to learn more.

Holiday Greetings from our Family to yours… It is the time of the year when we hold loved ones close and spread good cheer. We believe that the gift of the company of those we love is the best gift of all, and we want to have you as healthy as possible to enjoy the company that will gather around the tree. Happy Holidays from the entire Resurgia Team.

Happy New Year At the start of the New Year, we each get 365 new chances to make this year the best year ever. Let’s make the most of those chances. Thank you 2019 for the lessons you have taught us. 2020 we are ready for the possibilities you will bring.
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- Aging in Place (13)
- Art of Aging (5)
- Benefits (1)
- Care Transitions (5)
- Diet (3)
- Doctor House Calls (4)
- Doctor visits at home (2)
- Doctors making house calls (3)
- Doctors that do home visits (2)
- Doctors that visit your home (1)
- Fuel for House Calls (1)
- Heart Health (2)
- Home Health (4)
- Home visit physicians (1)
- House Call Doctors (5)
- House Call Medicine (1)
- House Calls (21)
- Love and Aging (1)
- Medical Care at Home (3)
- Medical house calls (2)
- Mobile Doctors (6)
- Mobile Medicine (3)
- Podiatry (2)
- Powering Mobile Medicine (1)
- Technology (1)
- Visiting Doctors (2)
- Visiting Physicians (3)
- You're The Cure (2)